They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace!

Today we decided to spend the day in London itself.

The obvious first destination was Buckingham Palace to see the Changing of the Guard. We were able to get a good vantage point, first hearing the sound of the band and then the guard came into sight. We could only catch glimpses of them changing inside the palace but got another good view as they departed.

We then walked through Green Park and into Hyde Park. We found a cafe with good views of the water birds on the lake so stopped for wood fired pizza and fish and chips for lunch.

Suitably fortified we kept walking to Kensington Palace. This palace was particularly interesting as it was where Queen Victoria was born and had many things on display from her childhood. There was also a display of Princess Diana’s dresses.

We finished the day by going to a movie in the West End.


They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace
Queen Victoria Statue


Princess Diana’s dresses
Christmas market In Leicester Square

2 thoughts on “They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace!”

  1. Will there be some new decorations for your Christmas tree next year? The British do love a good show of pomp and ceremony. Queen Victoria has an interesting legacy.


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